What is the address to write to PBS?
Public Broadcasting Service
1225 S. Clark Street
Arlington, VA 22202
PBS welcomes and values your feedback about our programming and services. Unfortunately, the incredible volume of correspondence we receive prevents us from responding to every message. Please be assured that your comments provide an important source of information, and that your e-mail will be shared with the appropriate departments.
Public Broadcasting Service
1225 S. Clark Street
Arlington, VA 22202
Write our Audience Services department. (Please note that due to staffing limitations, we are unable to respond to inquiries that are addressed by help.pbs.org.)
Contact your local PBS station because all scheduling decisions are made locally.
Please see our Press Contacts page for contact information. Contacts listed on this site are only able to address media inquiries.
Visit our Program Contacts page for their contact information.
Write the PBS Public Editor, who serves as an independent internal critic within PBS seeking to ensure that PBS upholds its own standards of editorial integrity.