Season 5
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. helps leading artists, politicians and others discover the surprising stories within their own family trees. Each episode weaves together stories from cutting-edge DNA analysis and old school genealogical detective work.
Featured Guests in Season 5
Alejandro G. Iñárritu
Andy Samberg
Ann Curry
Chloë Sevigny
Christiane Amanpour
Felicity Huffman
George R. R. Martin
Joe Madison
Kal Penn
Kehinde Wiley
Laura Linney
Lisa Ling
Marco Rubio
Marina Abramović
Marisa Tomei
Michael K. Williams
Michael Moore
Michael Strahan
Paul Ryan
S. Epatha Merkerson
Sarah Silverman
Seth Meyers
Sheryl Sandberg
Tig Notaro
Tulsi Gabbard
Ty Burrell
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