All Documentaries

4h 21m
Bush's War: bush's war original image
Bush's War
The inside story of the war that will define a presidency - a war that no one expected, and no one planned for.
March 24, 2008
marines in the fog
Rules of Engagement
What happened that November day in Haditha, Iraq gets to the heart of the war U.S. troops are fighting.
February 19, 2008
A Dangerous Business Revisited
An updated report on the Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation by FRONTLINE, The New York Times and the CBC.
February 5, 2008
Growing Up Online
What does it mean to be part of the first generation coming of age in the Internet era?
January 22, 2008
The Medicated Child
Millions of U.S. children are taking psychiatric drugs, most never tested on kids. Good medicine - or an uncontrolled experiment?
January 8, 2008
On Our Watch: 20-troops
On Our Watch
The world community had promised over and over -"Never Again." But then came Darfur, and those promises proved empty.
November 20, 2007
The Undertaking: 52-springtime
The Undertaking
A haunting portrait of the world of Lynch & Sons Funeral Directors, a family which has long cared for the dead - and the living.
October 30, 2007
APTOPIX Turkey Iran
Showdown With Iran
The tumultuous U.S.-Iran history since 9/11 and today's dangerous face-off, from the perspectives of key U.S and Iranian players.
October 23, 2007
Cheney's Law: gw bush and cheney
Cheney's Law
Inside the bruising closed door battles within the Bush administration over the power of the presidency and the rule of law.
October 16, 2007
From the day we got in, the plan was to get out as soon as possible. Four years later, we're still looking for an exit strategy.
June 19, 2007
USA - National Security Agency - Negroponte
Spying on the Home Front
In the war against terrorism, what's the trade-off Americans are confronting between security and privacy?
May 15, 2007
1h 24m
The Confessions: 08-prisonBars
When Kids Get Life
When a child is convicted of murder, how unforgiving should society be?
May 8, 2007
3h 43m
The Mormons
An exploration into the epic story of one of the most powerful, feared and misunderstood religions in American history.
April 30, 2007
Hot Politics: 01-smokestack
Hot Politics
How bi-partisan political and economic forces prevented three U.S. administrations from taking bold action on global warming.
April 24, 2007
Gangs of Iraq: 16-commando
Gangs of Iraq
A hard, on-the-ground look at the reality the U.S. faces in trying to train Iraqi soldiers and police.
April 17, 2007
3h 13m
Woodward & Bernstein
News War
Examining the role of the press in American society and the dramatic new challenges facing mainstream media in the 21st century.
February 13, 2007
1h 26m
Hand of God
A moving, and frankly told story of betrayal, and a family who survived it all with their humanity and humor intact.
January 16, 2007
Living Old take 3
Living Old
A powerful and intimate look at the new realities of aging in America and the burgeoning 85+ population. Are we prepared?
November 21, 2006
FRONTLINE - A Hidden Life
A Hidden Life
Examining the outing of a mayor and the tangled story of politics, sexuality, fear, and judgment in one all-American city.
November 14, 2006
Return of the Taliban: 01-mountains
Return of the Taliban
Investigating Pakistan's wild tribal areas, a breeding ground for jihadists and a potential new front in America's war on terror.
October 3, 2006
1h 24m
Cheney on 9.11
The Dark Side
Investigating Vice President Cheney's role as chief architect in the war on terror and his internal war with George Tenet's CIA...
June 20, 2006
3h 48m
The Age of AIDS: greenvirus
The Age of AIDS
The extraordinary story of a virus's spread -- infecting over 70 million people -- and how the world has been unable to stop it.
May 30, 2006
FRONTLINE Can You Afford to Retire?
Can You Afford to Retire?
With vanishing pensions and faltering 401(k) plans, are middle class Americans facing a rough ride in their retirement years?
May 16, 2006
1h 24m
Tank Man
The Tank Man
17 years later, what does he mean for a China that today has become a global economic powerhouse?
April 11, 2006
The Insurgency
The Insurgency
Face to face with insurgents in Iraq, FRONTLINE investigates who they are and why they fight.
February 21, 2006
The Meth Epidemic: meth main image
The Meth Epidemic
Why, and how, have we reached the point where the United States has 1.5 million meth users - and rising?
February 14, 2006
5h 44m
Country Boys
Country Boys
For everyone who remembers what it was like to be young, the story of two Appalachian teenagers becoming men...
January 9, 2006
Conditions Remain Grim In Aftermath Of Katrina
The Storm
Examining the failures at every level of government in the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Could it happen again?
November 22, 2005
Pro Abortion Demonstrators Standing in Front of the Supreme Court Building
The Last Abortion Clinic
How, despite “Roe v. Wade,” anti-abortion advocates successfully led campaigns to pass multiple state laws limiting access to abortion — with efforts in Mississippi as a blueprint.
November 8, 2005
1h 24m
Iraq Prison Abuse
The Torture Question
How the post-9/11 "get-tough" policy of the U.S. government worked its way down to the cell blocks of Abu Ghraib.
October 18, 2005
New Asylums
The New Asylums
A report on the new reality for the mentally ill: Nearly 500,000 are serving time in U.S. jails and prisons.
May 10, 2005
The Soldier's Heart
The Soldier's Heart
Coming home from war, each brings his own stories of survival and battle. For many, their battle is still not over.
March 1, 2005
Secret History of the Credit Card
Secret History of the Credit Card
The surprising history and clever tactics of an industry few Americans fully understand.
November 23, 2004
Is Wal-Mart Good for America?
An eye-opening look at the power and influence of the world's largest company.
November 16, 2004
The Persuaders
An inside look at the multibillion-dollar business and science of selling us on what we want.
November 9, 2004
1h 24m
The Plea
Investigating the difficult dilemma of confronting a plea bargain -- and what can go wrong.
June 17, 2004
Beyond Baghdad
A journey across Iraq — from the Kurdish north, through the Sunni Triangle, into the Shiite south — and a hard look at the prospects for democracy.
February 12, 2004
1h 24m
Truth, War and Consequences
Did America rush into a war in Iraq for which it was unprepared?
October 9, 2003
War Behind Closed Doors
The War Behind Closed Doors
The people and clashes that shaped the Bush Doctrine on how to deal with Saddam and the rest of the world.
February 20, 2003
In Search of Al Qaeda
FRONTLINE follows the trail of Al Qaeda fighters — from the borderlands of Pakistan, across the Gulf of Oman, to Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
November 21, 2002